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Friday, December 21, 2007

Carb-free period must end

Today, Alex gave me one of the most beautiful gifts he has ever given me. We will have a star named "Alra" as of December 25th, 2007. This star is located near the constellation Cetus, the fourth largest constellation in the sky.

I have officially introduced carbs back into my diet, but not exactly by choice. I am now drinking Gatorated® before, during, and after jogging in an effort to avoid heart pain that I've been experiencing sometimes during jogging lately.

Yesterday, while researching the source of the heart pain, I ended up at a doctor's office in the building next to where I work, on the advice of a nurse who works at the ER at my hospital. It was brought to my attention by the ultrasound technician that I am suffering from a heart murmur. He also said that the doctor usually tells his cardiac patients to drink Gatorate®. Although I won't find out the official results of my ultrasound until January 2nd, 2008, I decided to begin on Gatorade® immediately. Today, when I jogged and had this drink, I did not experience heart pain. It is too soon to tell if this was just a coincidence or the Gatorate® actually worked. Future tests should yield more definitive results.

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