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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Headache ruined most of today

I had a bad headache most of the day which meant I lay in bed for hours--and I hate it when that happens. I ended up getting a lot of sleep, which I suppose is a good thing. This headache began sometime in the middle of the night last night.

Last night, we had Wendy's, and although my original plan was for a salad, I had a cheeseburger, with fries and chicken nuggets, and regular Coke. For dessert, I had about half of a dark chocolate bar which my mom had given Alex earlier in the day.

Alex and I will be headed to watch the movie Cloverfield in a little bit. Two of his co-workers will be joining us.

I am still working on getting the Karaoke pictures from this past Wednesday up. It was a rather slow night at the club, and it was very, very empty there towards the end. I heard about talks about closing down early, but I'm glad that they did not. I have some songs in mind for the upcoming Karaoke event on Wednesday night already, including "Bridge Over Troubled Water" by Simon and Garfunkel.

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