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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Bowling with the Sears® Gang

On the night of January 25th, 2008, Alex and I joined his fellow coworkers (and one ex-coworker) for bowling* at Bird Bowl. We ran into our good friend, who until recently was the Karaoke Jockey at Café Con Leche, Amada. It was her last night in Miami; she would be leaving to New York the following morning. We bowled several frames and downed several drinks, except for Alex, who was still quite sick. I bowled one strike in a span of several hours, and Alex bowled a few of them, plus a couple of spares. Much fun was had.

*Bowling is a sport in which players attempt to score points by rolling a bowling ball along a flat surface in order to knock down objects called pins. There are many forms of bowling, with the earliest dating back to ancient Egypt; it is now known that the Egyptians had invented bowling. Origins can also be traced to ancient Finland and Yemen, and much later in 300 A.D. in Germany. In the US the best known form of bowling is probably the North American game of ten-pin bowling. This form, in both amateur and professional versions, is played around the world, making it one of the largest participation activities.

Betcha didn't know that!

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