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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy 2008!

If you're reading this, Happy 2008! If you're not a regular reader of my blog, then may you rot in the deepest depths of the most hellish parts of Hell! You are the slimy embodiment of evil, filth, and, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, you qualify for definitions 3a and 3b of an abomination. You're not nice.

I would like to announce the birth of and seek help for our new child, who is the Antichrist. Please see her adorable picture above. We are being told by the Catholic church that she must be sacrificed. However, we seek to rid her of all evil and let her live a normal, happy life. If you can help, please contact us immediately.

By the way, have you tried Facebook yet? It is a neater, less advertisement-riddled version of MySpace--and you are not automatically befriended by Tom when you join. Check out my Facebook profile and see if you like the way it is set up and may be interested in having a Facebook profile of your own.

Lastly, we both jogged and walked yesterday, the last day of 2007. We plan to jog and walk today as well to start the new year off right!

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