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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Work Nice, Workout Cancelled

Work was pretty sweet today. Nothing eventful to report on that front. My scrub pants were finally delivered (the company had messed up and provided scrub shirts the color of which didn't exactly match the pants--they took forever to get the right pants delivered). The name of the company is Capstone Group and one of the services the provide is "Apparel & Embroidery - brand your company with hats, shirts, shorts, tees, flip flops etc." At least in this regard, they sucked. I plan never to order scrubs from them again. At least my company, Jackson Memorial Hospital, provides a uniform allowance, so it wasn't my own money that was spent on this company. I have provided their logo on the right so that if you ever see it and have to decide whether or not to do business with them, I strongly recommend you avoid them.

After work, we were all geared up to go work out. We were going to go back and forth across the Rickenbacker Causeway. After paying the toll to get on the Causeway and trying to park, Alex missed the turn into the parking lot and we ended up turning back, therefore wasting the $1.50 on the toll. We then decided we were going to park near the Causeway in a parking lot on Brickell Street (see picture on right--of course, it doesn't look dangerous at all during the day), but considering how dark it was, Alex feared we could get mugged or killed. At one point I said, "Let's go for it." Ultimately, however, we decided against this and simply came back home.

Last, but not least, I have created my own little group on MySpace for all the fans of Mac OS X Leopard (all twelve of you out there). Here is the link. Don't all rush at once; I'm rush there are bandwidth limitations. If you don't already know, Mac OS X Leopard is the latest version of Apple's operating system for their Macintosh computers. In other words, it's like what Vista is for Windows, except without all the bugs and the urge to downgrade back to Windows XP when you find out how bad Vista is. Incidentally, here is the link to my MySpace site.

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